Sex Male
DOB March 10, 1985
Birth Place Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Main Characteristics Large Eyes, 4-dimensional extra reservoir tank on his back
Body Height Inconstant, as his head (rod) moves up and down.
Body Weight Unknown, as it changes with the imposed load.
Favorites Nitrogen Gas, High-Performance Oil
Special Talent He uses his magical force, generated with his 4-dimentional extra reservoir tank on his back, to help struggling people shorten their lap-times on circuits and other motorsport battle fields.This ability has made many people happy!
Frequently Appears on Circuits
Personality He has a highly competitive spirit. When he could not get the result he wanted in races, he would use his magical power from his 4-dimensional tank to prepare himself to be in good shape for the next race. He is resourceful and acts tactfully in approaching various matters, by effectively using his 4-dimensional tank and twisting the top of his head.
Family Structure Unknown.
There are rumors around that he has a father, who wears a hat and a brother in a different color ...
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